So, I had an old book, which had had a long and globetrotting life (I bought it in a second hand shop in New Zealand, its stamps said it had come from England), but was now on the verge of falling apart. So, I decided to make good use of it, and make a paper wreath similar to some of the ones I'd seen on Pinterest.
I took the pages out....
But eventually, I got it beyond this stage:
And on to this:
Pretty, but it was minus a certain something....mainly, a centrepiece. But with one quick trip to Poundland the next day, I was fully supplied with all the shiny baubles one gal could need.
It's now hanging on my living room door, and I've since made another for a friend's Mum - it used the rest of the pages from that book, and another one that I was wanting use the shell of but didn't need the contents. So all in all, it's a pretty fun thing to long as you are REALLY careful with your hot glue! That burn hurt for days!