Sunday, 6 January 2013

The evolution of man

A friend asked me to put together something they'd had an idea about: they wanted the lyrics of a favourite song, put together with an image they liked, and that fitted with the theme of the lyrics.

This was it at the beginning:

And, a couple of hours of work later, here it is!

So, yesterday, I can honestly say....I evolved.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

The Garden State

And that's another map done! This time, it's a US state rather than an entire country, but it's still just as much work as it's the same size. I also still need to research the animals that are typical of the region, although in this case most of them were ones I had already developed for the main USA map, so I only had to work out how to do a few new ones, like the skunk and the snapping turtle.

So here's New Jersey, as it grew last night and this morning....

And a bit of the detail of the print (the originals are drawn on a creamy coloured paper, the prints are on a gleaming white card):

On Etsy now, here.

Onwards to the next countries on order, via a special request....

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Gettin' mah craft on!

I've decided to take some time to focus on getting myself up to date with  some of the craft projects I have planned. In only 2 days over the festive break, I managed to get quite a few things made, photographed, and listed in my Etsy shop:

So, I'm hoping to spend some more time crafting, and less dawdling online. To start with, I'm working on a map of New Jersey:

Next up: maps of Iceland, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Scotland, England...
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