I was watching a programme on the TV recently, and it showed the Standing Stones of Stenness, and the Ring of Brodgar, both in Orkney, and I thought they'd be fun to have a shot at doing. I liked the sky swirling effect that I'd used on the S
tarry Doodle Night drawing, so thought I'd make use of it again here. I also thought I'd fill in the rock surfaces with dots for texture. Which, in theory, is a good idea, but with a 0.05 nib pen, it's a bit of an epic process. So I started doing the sky, and the stone texture dots...
Doing the dots became veeeeery boring, very quickly! I much preferred doing the sky texture...
It took SO LONG to do the dots! Hours, and hours, and hours.
And hours....I was going absolutely up the wall while doing the dots, but eventually, I completed it, yay!
The Standing Stones of Stenness, completed. |
I really quite like it, so I think it's one worth getting prints made of for my Etsy shop....whenever I get a chance to get to the printshop!
To add to my madness, I've started the year as I mean to go on - with more crafting! So here's a sneak preview of the next drawing, of the Ring of Brodgar.