Saturday, 11 May 2013

Round and round and round...

I'm currently doing a skills swap with my massage therapist: I get treatments, in return for me doing various things for her. Usually that involves doing her social media presence, but as her studio's coming up for its 2nd birthday, she's holding an open night/birthday event, and she's giving away goodie bags on the night. We were chatting, and she had so many things to sort to make sure that it went off well, she hadn't got around to the packaging of the goodies bags, so I volunteered to do that. Her studio is very calm and soothing, and she's very environmentally conscious, so she wanted a goodie bag that was low waste and as environmentally friendly as it could be (within reason and still looking/feeling like it would be a treat to get).

So, we decided on plain brown paper bags, striped paper bags in her company colours for the food treats,and kraft tags, with a bit of decoration on them to perk them up. I suggested quilled "roundels" or "targets" in her colours, which are the only names I can think of to describe the shapes!

It starts with me rolling up a strip of 3mm quilling paper tightly into something called a grape roll.

Then, they needed the next colour, so that got glued on to them (all 40!)

Then, roll all those strips up and glue them on...

Then add the final, outer black strip...

And finally, glue the finished roundels onto the tags for the bags, ready to be filled up and given away next week. Hope they don't get mistaken for Licorice Allsorts!

Phew! I think I've earned my next treatment, as that was at least 4 hours of work! :D

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